Analysis: Basic information
Trademark name k28611barbaripeak 3553n.
76 3 1' East
25 categories of international classification-clothing, shoes and hats
Application/Registration No.337987965
Date of application: 2019/05/06
Announcement on the Status of Trademark Registration (1)
Applicant Hodo Group Co.,Ltd. Limited.
Acting Wuxi Yangming Trademark Office Co., Ltd.
Is there any change? no
Trademark Structure English+Numbers
Is there a yes or no * * *?
Partial rejection no
Announcement related information
Announcement date of preliminary examination: 2020-0 1-20.
Announcement of preliminary examinationNo. 1680 Announcement of preliminary examination of trademarks
Details of Trademark Announcement K286 1 1 Savage Peak 3553N
763 1E Class 25 Announcement