No. There is no expedited service for trademark registration. The steps for trademark registration are: Trademark inquiry (one day) Trademark formal examination (about 1 month) Trademark substantive examination (9 months) Trademark announcement (3 months) Receive registration certificate (2 months) . Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China Chapter 7 Protection of the Exclusive Rights of Registered Trademarks Article 56 The exclusive right of registered trademarks is limited to the trademarks that have been approved for registration and the goods that have been approved for use. Article 57 Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall infringe upon the exclusive right to use a registered trademark: (1) Using a trademark that is identical or similar to the registered trademark on the same or similar goods without the permission of the trademark registrant; (2) Selling goods that infringe the exclusive rights of registered trademarks; (3) Forging or manufacturing registered trademarks of others without authorization or selling counterfeit or unauthorized registered trademarks; (4) Changing the registered trademark without the consent of the trademark registrant and puts the goods with the changed trademark back into the market; (5) Causes other damage to others’ exclusive right to use registered trademarks. Article 63 The amount of compensation for infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark shall be the benefits gained by the infringer due to the infringement during the period of infringement, or the losses suffered by the infringed party due to the infringement during the period of infringement, including the costs incurred by the infringer to stop the infringement. Reasonable expenses paid. If the benefits obtained by the infringer due to the infringement as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, or the losses suffered by the infringed party due to the infringement are difficult to determine, the people's court shall award a compensation of not more than 500,000 yuan based on the circumstances of the infringement. If you sell goods that you do not know infringe the exclusive rights of a registered trademark, and you can prove that you obtained the goods legally and explain the supplier, you will not be liable for compensation.