a TradeMark refers to a combination of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs and colors, and a commodity mark that distinguishes one's own goods or services from other goods or services by producers and operators of the above-mentioned combination. When a trademark is used, it should be clearly stated with "R" or "Note", which means registered trademark.
Brand is a set concept, which mainly includes BrandName, brand logo, BrandMark and brand role. Brand name refers to the combination of words, letters, numbers or phrases that can be addressed (read) in language, also known as "product name". Brand logo refers to the part of a brand that can be recognized and easily remembered but cannot be addressed by words-including symbols, patterns or obvious colors or fonts, also known as "product label". A trademark is the whole brand, brand logo, brand role or the combination of various elements whose exclusive right is guaranteed by law after registration. Brand role is a way to represent the brand with human or personified logo.
the main difference between a brand and a trademark is that the trademark can be protected by law, while the brand that has not been registered and obtained the trademark right is not protected by law. Therefore, a trademark is registered to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark, so it is subject to ...
Brand and trademark are very confusing concepts, and some enterprises mistakenly believe that products become brands after trademark registration. In fact, there are both connections and differences between them. Sometimes, the two concepts can be equated with substitution, but sometimes they cannot be confused; Brand is not completely equivalent to trademark, and trademark is not completely equivalent to brand.
a TradeMark refers to a combination of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs and colors, and a commodity mark that distinguishes one's own goods or services from other goods or services by producers and operators of the above-mentioned combination. When a trademark is used, it should be clearly stated with "R" or "Note", which means registered trademark.
Brand is a set concept, which mainly includes BrandName, brand logo, BrandMark and brand role. Brand name refers to the combination of words, letters, numbers or phrases that can be addressed (read) in language, also known as "product name". Brand logo refers to the part of a brand that can be recognized and easily remembered but cannot be addressed by words-including symbols, patterns or obvious colors or fonts, also known as "product label". A trademark is the whole brand, brand logo, brand role or the combination of various elements whose exclusive right is guaranteed by law after registration. Brand role is a way to represent the brand with human or personified logo.
the main difference between a brand and a trademark is that the trademark can be protected by law, while the brand that has not been registered and obtained the trademark right is not protected by law. Therefore, a trademark is a brand that has been registered to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark and thus is protected by law.
both brands and trademarks are business names and their marks used to identify different kinds and different quality products of different producers and operators. A trademark is not only a sign or mark, but also a name or appellation part. In the process of brand registration to form a trademark, these two parts are often registered together, and both are protected by law. In the marketing practice of enterprises, brands and trademarks are designed to distinguish the source of goods, facilitate consumers to identify goods and facilitate competition. Visible, brand and trademark are the basic elements of communication.