Ranking Law Firm Name City Number of Business Expertise Stars
1 Baker & McKenzie Chicago 2732 Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As), Bankruptcy and Reorganization★★★★★
2 Clifford Chance London 2029 Private Equity Investment Business★★★★★
3 Eversheds London 1652 Almost all areas of litigation and non-litigation★★★★★
4 Skadden New York 1467 International Arbitration, International Law and Policy, International Trade, Antitrust★★★★★
5 Allen & Overy London 1460 Best Financial Law Firm, Best Large Stock Listing Law Firm★★★ ★★
6 Jones Day National 1411 Corporate Business★★★★★
7 Freshfields London 1397 Litigation and M&A Business★★★★★
8 Linklaters London 1360 Global M&A ★★★★★
9 White & Case New York 1030 International Trade, Commercial Law ★★★★★
10 Latham & Watkins Los Angeles 1007 Corporate ★★★★ ★
11 Paul, Hastings, Janofsky Los Angeles 950 Business Tax, Real Estate
12 Lovells London 897 Direct Investment, Capital Markets, Listings and Securities ★★★★★
13 Sidley Chicago 890 Financial Derivatives ★★★★★
14 Sherman Sterling New York 865 Information Technology and Enforcement of Antitrust Laws, etc. ★★★★★
15 Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer Dallas/Washington 854 Counter Trusts and Intellectual Property★★★★★
16 McDermott, Will & Emery Chicago 776 Securities Business★★★★★
17 Morrison & Foerster San Francisco 761 Life Sciences, Intellectual Property★ ★★★★
18 Foley Milwaukee 755 Life Sciences, Industrial Property ★★★★★
19 O'Melveny Chicago 747 Capital Markets and M&A ★★★★★ p>
20 Kirkland Chicago 745 Industrial Property, Securities, etc.★★★★★
21 Vincent Ayers Houston 730 Energy and Natural Resources★★★★★
22 Fulbo Chawski Houston 728 Patent ★★★★★
23 Gexin Los Angeles
710 Labor litigation, company listing business ★★★★★
24 Slaughter and May London 606 Securities business ★★★★★
25 Simpson Thacher New York 534 US securities market business and multinational Mergers and Acquisitions★★★★★
26 Kaiwei New York 363 International Trade and Financing Business★★★★★
27 Davis New York 1116 ★★★★
28 Smith London 1100 Deals, Plans and Disputes★★★★
29 Hogan Washington 1000 Trade, Intellectual Property★★★★
30 Mayer, Brown & Platt Chicago 950 ★★★★
31 LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene New York 900 Trade unions and government agencies Banking, Finance
Insurance, energy, telecommunications, e-commerce, transportation, manufacturing,
Real estate and entertainment industry★★★★
32 King Atlanta 800 International trade, antitrust, real estate, biology, tax, bonds★★★★
33 Weil, Gotshal & Manges New York 660 Real Estate Business★★★★
34 Arnold & Porter
Washington 650 Antitrust, Real Estate, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property,
Life Sciences and Product Liability★★★★
35 Horton Williams Richmond 627 International Trade Disputes & Its resolution★★★★
36 Cleary New York 604 International Trade★★★★
37 Baker Houston 569 Intellectual Property, International News Arbitration, Energy and Natural Resources★★★★
38 Sullivan Cromwell New York 556 ★★★★
39 Proskauer New York 550 Sports, Labor Law★★★★
40 Willkie New York 500 International Trade, Anti-dumping★★★★
40 Willkie New York 500 Real Estate, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Venture Capital
Reconstruction and Insolvency and Telecommunications★★★ ★
42 Dewey New York 475 Energy and Utilities, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Insurance, Financial Services
Media, Consumer and Industrial Stocks ★★★★
43 Depp New York 441 Internet, New Media and Intellectual Property★★★★
44 Mibank, Tweed, Hadley New York 435 Banking Industry, Capital Market★★★★<
45 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen New York 147 Bond rules, taxes, bankruptcy and reconstruction, environmental law, real estate★★★★
46 Brobeck, Phleger San Francisco Antitrust, e-commerce, labor etc★★★★
46 Fried, Frank, Harris New York Real Estate, Antitrust, Bankruptcy and Reconstruction, Benefits and Compensation
Financial Institutions, Intellectual Property and Technology★★★★
46 Bovis New York Venture Capital, International Investment, Transportation, Media and Technology, Transportation
, Media and Technology, Energy and Environment, Intellectual Property, Real Estate
Dispute Breakdown★★★★
49 Pemberley San Francisco
49 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Philadelphia