Category 11 of trademark classification
The registered trademark of lamps belongs to Category 11 of trademark classification.
a trademark is a sign used to identify and distinguish the source of goods or services. Any sign that can distinguish the goods of natural persons, legal persons or other organizations from the goods of others, including words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations and sounds, and the combination of the above elements, can apply for registration as a trademark. A brand or part of a brand is legally registered in the relevant government departments ...
Lamps belong to Group 111, Category 11 of the trademark classification; According to statistics, there are 14 registered trademarks of lamps. How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. Choose to register 2 trademarks (street lamp, group number: 111), accounting for 1.43%. 2. Choose to register 2 trademarks (round lampshade, group number: 111), accounting for 1.43%. 3. Group number: 111) There are 2 trademarks, accounting for 1.43% of the registered number. 5. There are 2 trademarks in the category of selective registration (lighting lanterns, group number: 111), accounting for 1.43% of the registered number. 6. There are 2 trademarks in the category of selective registration (light masks, group number: 111), accounting for up to. The registration ratio is 1.43%. 8. There are 2 registered trademarks (light bulb, group number: 111), accounting for 1.43%. 9. There are 2 registered trademarks (lighting LED, group number: 111), accounting for 1.43%. 1. Choose to register (safety lamp, group number:)