When we buy clothes, we will see a wash mark on the corner of the clothes. There are many signs on it. Some of these signs are laundry signs. Washing clothes according to the laundry signs will not damage the clothes. There are many laundry signs that everyone can recognize. Here are some commonly used laundry signs.
do not dryclean
compatible with any drycleaning methods
iron ironing
iron on low heat low temperature ironing (100oc)
iron on medium heat medium heat ironing (150oc)
iron on high heat high temperature ironing (200oc)
do not iron Do not iron
bleach Do not bleach Do not bleach
dry dry clothes
tumble dry with no heat Tumble dry with low heat Tumble dry with low heat Tumble dry with medium heat Tumble dry with high heat Tumble dry with medium heat Tumble dry with high heat Tumble dry with medium heat Dry
do not tumble dry Do not tumble dry
dry Hang dry
hang dry Wash and dry
dry flat Leave to dry
Line dry Wash
wash with cold water Machine wash with cold water
wash with warm water Machine wash with warm water
wash with hot water machine wash
handwash only
do not wash