Agricultural products are items produced in agriculture. Generally, they are unprocessed, purely natural and can be sold as commodities. In fact, there are far more agricultural products than we think. Which category does this type of agricultural product trademark belong to?
By searching in the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Encyclopedia, we can understand that the categories of agricultural product trademarks involve Class 30-3005-honey, royal jelly and other nutritious foods; Class 31-3101-unprocessed forestry Products; 3102-Unprocessed grains and agricultural products (excluding vegetables, seeds); 3103-Flowers, gardening products, grass and trees; 3104-Live animals; 3106-Fresh vegetables, etc.
Zhangzhou trademark protection is something that should be paid attention to from the beginning. When protecting, the company must determine the scope of its business and the direction in which the company will develop in the future. The advantage of choosing a category in this way is that you can spend your money on effective places to the maximum extent, and it is not too late to register in all categories until you have sufficient conditions later.
After selecting the business to be developed by the enterprise, it is also necessary to consider whether there are similar categories in these categories. If the trademark is only registered in one category and ignores the preemptive registration of similar categories, it will cause problems for consumers when using it. Confuse and harm your own interests.
Enterprises will always move to a higher level in their development. Well-known trademarks can be protected across categories. This is what ordinary trademarks cannot do, but it is what ordinary trademarks can strive to achieve. . Ordinary trademarks are the basis for applying for well-known trademarks, so trademark protection can also start from this point. In short, this is one of the opportunities for trademark protection.
Intellectual property rights are valued, so trademarks are gradually being valued by companies. Therefore, cases of trademark squatting and trademark infringement have always existed, and they have increased over time. Therefore, whether companies are using trademarks At every stage, attention should be paid to trademark protection.