In twenty-four years, the king of Qi and Wang Wei hunted in the suburbs together. Wang Wei asked, "Does the King also have treasures?" Wang Wei said, "No."Wang Wei said, "A small country like me has ten one-inch diameter luminous pearls, which can illuminate 12 cars in front and back. How can a country like Qi have no treasure? " Wang Wei said, "My treasure is different from your king's. I have a minister named Tan Zi, who sent him to the south of the city, so the Chu people dare not invade and plunder the east, and all the twelve governors on the bank of Surabaya came to worship. I have a minister named Pan Zi who sent him to guard Gaotang, so Zhao people dare not fish on the east bank of the Yellow River. I have an official named Qian Fu who sent him to guard Xuzhou. Yan people went to the North Gate to offer sacrifices, while Zhao people came to the West Gate to offer sacrifices to protect the gods from attack. More than 7000 people followed him. I have a minister named Seed Head who sent him to guard against thieves, but he didn't pick up anything. These will shine thousands of miles, are they just twelve cars? " Wei Huiwang was ashamed and left disappointed.