What is the similar group number of trademark registration?
trademark registration is divided into 45 categories according to the nature, function or service of goods, and in these categories, different small groups are distinguished; For example, in 11 categories, there are 13 small groups, including 111 (lighting equipment), 114 (cooking and heating equipment for household appliances), 116 (drying, ventilation and air conditioning equipment), 117 (steam heating equipment), 118 (plumbing fittings), 111 (disinfection and purification equipment), etc. Category 19 includes 15 small groups, such as 194 (cement), 196 (building tiles) and 1911 (building glass and glass materials). If there is no special indication that each small similar group is similar to a certain group, then they are independent of each other and do not constitute similarity. For example, the trademark you want to register is similar to the previous trademark standard sample, and both belong to 19 categories, but the previously selected product protection scope is in the 1911 group, and the protection scope you selected is in the 1914 group, then your trademark is not an approximate trademark.