the scope of legal thesis
on the evidence exchange system before court
on the burden of proof in administrative litigation
on the notarization of property before marriage
on the legal thinking of the concurrence of liability for breach of contract and tort
on the existing problems and legal perfection of bankruptcy property disposal
on the judicial supervision system of arbitration in China
on the obligations of joint-stock companies to control shareholders
on the obligations of directors
on the Constitution. On the Basic Principles of One-man Company
The Constitution is supreme, On the Perfection of the Internal Supervision System of Listed Companies in China
The Inversion of Burden of Proof in Medical Infringement Disputes from Juvenile Court to Juvenile Court
Understanding of the Basic Problems of Cybercrime
Comparative Determination of Attempted Crimes
On the Legislative Perfection of the Crime of Infringement of Trade Secrets in China from the Perspective of TRIPS Agreement
general principles of criminal law's clockwork is set in the realistic gap on the application of the death penalty in China < P > On the constitution of the crime of contract fraud and the legality of temptation investigation
On the legal reasons for the cancellation of the contract to protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists
On the legal reasons for the cancellation of the contract, on the establishment and legal effect of the electronic contract and the solutions to the problems
The "weak" litigation right needs to be respected. On the shortcomings of China's criminal procedure system in protecting human rights
On the current situation and development direction of judicial reform, on the crime of duty embezzlement in criminal law < P > the legal function of constitutional judicature on the psychological motivation of accepting bribes to prevent
On the copyright protection of audio-visual products, the reflection and reconstruction of the relationship between prosecutors and police in China
On the reform of litigation system and the perfection of litigation law, the reconstruction of marital property system
On the relationship between unfair competition law and intellectual property law, the function of state-owned shares and its legal investigation
On the system of criminal incidental civil litigation. On the protection of the rights and interests of the returned people, the compensation for mental damage of civil rights
Countermeasures for the difficulty of witnesses appearing in court; The malpractice and perfection of court mediation in civil litigation
On the preservation and abolition of death penalty in China and the protection of human rights; On the compensation for available benefits in contract law
On the protection of rights and protection in network environment on the patent protection of gene technology
On the reform of rural land contractual management right system; On the compensation for mental damage of divorce
On the patent protection of computer software. On the conflict between the right to privacy and the right to know and its solution
On the adjustment of legal responsibility for extramarital sex; On the expanding trend of state compensation
On the extension of legal protection of personal rights in China's civil retrial system
On the disadvantages and perfection of China's current litigation mediation; On the deficiency and perfection of China's legal system for the dissolution of labor contracts
The emergence of the rule of law, On the adjustment object of economic law
on democracy and constitutionalism; on the legal value of movable property registration system
on the current situation of China's judicial system and the reform of sustainable development strategy and the legal perfection of China's environmental protection
on the relationship between governing the country according to the constitution and social stability; on the legal protection of trade secrets
on the effectiveness of China's constitution; on the status of policy banks as public legal persons
On the implementation and administration of governing the country according to law; On public enterprises. Compulsory trading behavior
Reflections on China's civil pretrial procedure; A preliminary study on domain name disputes and their solutions
On the perfection of evidence rules in civil litigation; On the crime of producing and selling counterfeit drugs and related issues
On China's entry into WTO and the reform of government institutions; On the transfer of equity
On the perfection of evidence system in civil litigation; On the right to dispose
On the plea bargaining system of human rights protection in China —— Also on the reform of China's criminal litigation system
On the infringement of works. The principle of imputation: Reflection on the people's jury system in China and its perfection
On the countermeasures of local protectionism; On the negligence liability in contracting and the relationship between negligence liability in contracting and tort liability for breach of contract
On the value orientation and legislative perfection of China's husband and wife property system with the Consumer Protection Law
On the protection of human rights in international law; On the punitive damages system in China's contract law
On the new aspects of China enterprises. The impending anti-dumping problem and its countermeasures: a probe into the religious soil of the rule of law in China
A brief discussion on the conflict of institutional interests of listed companies in China on juvenile delinquency
Reflections on the copyright protection of computer software; Present situation and reflections on the death penalty monitoring procedures in China
On the revision and improvement of bankruptcy and the reform process of China's judicial system from the perspective of the change of judges' clothing
On the criminal responsibility of unit crime
On computer software. On the protection of intellectual property rights, the establishment of the principle of presumption of innocence in China
On several issues of witnesses testifying in criminal proceedings in China, on compensation for mental damage of legal persons
On the right of reputation and its protection in civil law, on the unfair price behavior of operators
On the defense right and anticipatory breach of contract, on the construction of the prevention system of counterfeit money
On the tort liability in intellectual property rights
On the understanding of divorce standards in China's marriage law. And protection
on citizens' legal consciousness, on the position of the government in administrative litigation
on the supervisory power of China's constitution, on the compensation for mental damage
on the legal control of insider trading
on the suspended execution system of death penalty in China, on the adjustment object of economic law
on the reform of criminal evidence in China, on the civil compensation system in China's securities market
on the determination of contract fraud, on the compensation for mental damage
on the society. The influence of social culture on criminal law
Legal thinking on the abolition of death penalty
My opinion on the application of transaction system in China as the subject of unit crime
Exploration and thinking on some problems of establishing the system of compensation for mental damage and the system of preemption of real estate in China's criminal incidental civil litigation
Research on criminal precedent system
On the embodiment and perfection of the principle of autonomy in the Arbitration Law
On the legal protection of housing consumers' rights and interests. And news infringement
On the burden of proof in civil litigation
On the revision of the Constitution in 1999 to improve the government legislation on the denial of official status
On the identification of the crime of bigamy and several issues in the trial procedure on the abolition of the death penalty
On the excessive defense of judicial justice
On the choice between constitutional justice and procedural justice in the process of theorizing the rule of law on the deformity and suppression of corruption and bribery crimes
On the prevention of torture in criminal proceedings. On the issue of the right to silence
On the basis of ruling the country by law and ruling the country by virtue, the differences between Chinese and American criminal trial systems are discussed
On the legal confirmation of the independence of CLP Bank in China, the human rights protection of criminal suspects is discussed from the restriction of investigation power
On the influence of China's traditional cultural concepts on the emergence and establishment of the right to silence in China
Establishing the right to silence system in line with China's national conditions, the human rights protection of crimes in China prison.
on the protection of computer software in China
on the realization of mortgage, Reflections on the sale of counterfeit drugs and related issues
On the protection of the right to trade secrets; On the subject of the crime of corruption; On the effectiveness of unauthorized disposition
On the relationship between stepparents and children
On the handling of the competition of security interests; On the understanding and application of the judicial interpretation of compensation for mental damages
On the effectiveness of unauthorized disposition contract; On the protection of shareholders' rights and interests in the merger of companies
On the enterprise merger in the anti-monopoly law of property rights behavior theory. And regulation
on the fraud and prevention of letters of credit in international trade of the right to silence
on the trial behavior, on the risk of BOT investment
on the effectiveness of unauthorized disposal behavior under the mode of real right change, on the protection of consumers' rights and interests in e-commerce
on the legal regulation of non-performing loans of commercial banks in China
on the existence and abolition of the death penalty, on the legal regulation of administrative monopoly in China
on the criminal constitution of accepting bribes, on the civil evidence. Exclusion rule
Analysis of the Crime of Corruption and the Crime of Duty Embezzlement
On the necessary limit of justifiable defense and the right of special defense, the disadvantages and reform of China's civil litigation mediation system
On the legal issues in real estate mortgage, the moral basis of the principle of good faith in contract law
On the application of the principle of disregard of corporate personality, the principle of freedom in the basic principles of marriage law
On the preemption system, the retrial in civil procedure law. Procedure
On the system of adequate corporate governance, on the scope of state compensation in China
On the system of civil compensation for securities, on the principle of debate under the mode of civil litigation in China
On the current violation of monogamy in China, on the problems existing in the mediation system of civil litigation in China and on the improvement
On the system of tort liability of husband and wife, on the system of administrative separation
On the legal construction of the effective system of electronic contracts, on the banking system adapted to WIO
> on the comparative study of international anti-dumping and China's countermeasures against anti-dumping and safeguard measures
on the perfection of legal adjustment of medical advertisements; on the theory of disregard of corporate personality
on the international comparison of the legal protection system of unregistered trademarks and its reference significance for China; on the protection of minority shareholders' rights
on the comparison of the protection of Chinese and foreign consumers' rights and interests in China's uneasy defense system and the improvement of China's consumer protection law
on the legal mortgage on the current mental damage in China. The scope of protection of compensation system and its perfection
On the identification and protection of well-known trademarks
Legal issues in e-commerce in China; Rational thinking on the exclusionary rule of illegal evidence
On the compensation for administrative infringement damages; On the directors' duty of care and improvement measures from two cases
On the burden of proof in the consumer dispute of extorting a confession by torture
On the perfection of human rights protection in criminal proceedings in China; On the immunity of medical behavior < P > a legal research on judges' creative judicial activities according to the basic principles of civil law; a brief analysis of the compensation for mental damages; a probe into the feasibility of the civil public prosecution system; a discussion on injury payment; a discussion on the burden of proof in administrative proceedings; a discussion on anticipatory breach of contract; a discussion on the scientific meaning of governing the country according to law; a discussion on the revision and grasp of the legitimate defense system; a discussion on the realization of the right to silence in China; a discussion on the causal relationship between the infringement of Anglo-American law and continental law; and a discussion on the use of it in China. On the debt of negotiorum gestio
on the basic principles of the constitution, on the tort liability of husband and wife
on the supervision system of administrative law enforcement, on domestic violence in China
on the burden of proof in civil tort litigation, on the system of divorce by agreement in China
on the legal thinking on the cases of mental damages for personal injury
on the marriage of college students, on the protection of creditors' interests in property inheritance
on genetic patents, on domestic violence. Li
On the use of plea bargaining in China, on the compensation for divorce damages
On the infringement and relief of spouse's right in Article 8 of China's contract law
On the trademark right and its protection, on the current marital property system in China
On the principle of civil litigation in China, the necessity and feasibility of legalizing same-sex marriage in China
On the elements of justifiable defense on the liability for contracting negligence
On the prevention of juvenile delinquency. On the problem of honesty in China's market economy
On the control and prevention of duty crimes
On the protection of business secrets of enterprises; A comparative study of the system of adults' lack of capacity
On the determination of patent infringement
On the crime of misappropriation of public funds "for personal use"; On the compensation for divorce damages in China
On the theory and practice of creditor's subrogation in China's invalid marriage system. Basic issues
On the composition of agency by estoppel in the company's personality denial system
On the malpractice and reform of China's civil mediation system on judicial relief of domestic violence
On China's marital property system
On the liability for breach of contract on e-commerce contracts
On the application of bona fide acquisition system on real estate on the causal relationship in the composition of tort liability
On the freedom of the press and the protection of personality rights on marital property in China's marriage law. The value orientation of the system
on the marital property system in China's marriage law on fundamental breach of contract
on the marital property system in marriage law on the distinction between liability for breach of contract and liability for infringement of foreign wills