Domain Name is the name of a computer or computer group on the Internet consisting of a string of names separated by dots. It is used to identify the electronic location of the computer (sometimes also Refers to geographical location). At present, domain names have become one of the necessary products for Internet brand and online trademark protection.
The functions of a domain name are as follows:
1. A domain name is like our personal ID number, unique in the world with the same prefix.
2. The domain name is resolved to the IP for access. There is no need to enter the IP to access a website.
3. A domain name is a website address. In layman’s terms, it is the name of enterprises, institutions and companies on the Internet. For example,
is the domain name of our website, and our website can be accessed through the domain name. Therefore, you need to buy a domain name, bind it to an IP, and use the domain name to access the IP for memory purposes.