1. The concept of trademark exclusive rights. Trademark exclusive rights refer to the exclusive rights that trademark owners enjoy over their registered trademarks in accordance with the law. Article 3 of the Trademark Law stipulates that a trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office is a registered trademark, and the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law. 2. Contents of exclusive trademark rights.
The content of trademark exclusive rights refers to the rights enjoyed by trademark registrants in accordance with the law, including the exclusive right to use the registered trademark, the right to prohibit, the right to transfer, the right to license and the right to renew, etc. The most important of these are the rights of exclusive use and the right of prohibition. The exclusive right to use a trademark is the right of a trademark registrant to use its registered trademark on goods or services approved by the State Trademark Administration. The right to prohibit trademarks refers to the right of a trademark registrant to prohibit other units and individuals from using trademarks that are identical or similar to the registered trademark on goods or services that are the same or similar to the approved goods or services without permission
2. The specific content of the exclusive right to use the trademark
(1) Exclusive right to use. The trademark owner enjoys the exclusive right to use its registered trademark, and no third party has the right to use the same or similar mark with the trademark registered by the trademark owner on similar products or services.
(2) Revenue rights---licensing rights. The trademark owner has the right to obtain consideration or remuneration from the licensee by licensing the trademark to others, which is the doctrinal licensing right.
(3) Right of disposal
1. Right of transfer. The trademark owner can transfer the trademark rights to a third party, and the transfer can be paid or free of charge.
2. Capital contribution. The trademark owner can use the trademark to invest in the establishment of a company or other corporate legal person, a partnership, a sole proprietorship, etc.
3. Pledge. The trademark owner can pledge the trademark and set up a pledge of rights to guarantee his or a third party's debts.
4. Abandon trademark rights.
a Express abandonment
The trademark owner may expressly abandon the trademark rights to the Trademark Office, and the Trademark Office will cancel the registration.
b Implied abandonment
The Trademark Office cancels the trademark if the owner of the registered trademark does not use the registered trademark for three consecutive years
The trademark protection period has expired and the grace period has expired The trademark owner did not apply for renewal.
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