First of all, according to * * *, there are 45 trademark categories, which can filter trademarks and services. Because people can screen all kinds of goods or services, so as to make effective inquiries and reports in the daily application process. Through this classification, we can quickly locate the trademark and understand the asset trademark we want to register.
Trademark registration category 45 trademarks are classified according to their similarities and differences. Trademarks of the same category have the same attributes, and trademarks can also be divided into scientific categories and pigments. It is precisely because we are divided according to the attributes of * * * *, so now all trademarks can be divided into 45 categories, creating a trademark type, which is easy to find when we voluntarily declare a part of our type.
Divide it into various trademark classifications, and classify 45 kinds of trademarks into trademark classifications. If we apply for trademark registration, we can start by inquiring about this classification. What kind of trademark do we want to register? What assets are there? What type can I apply for? Therefore, we usually need to check which classification marks.
The trademarks of 45 kinds of goods or services are distinguished according to the attributes of the goods. Both physical goods and virtual services can find their own types in these trademarks. The production and classification of all trademarks can make all trademark industries clearer and easier to plan and create, but this classification enables people to check which category their convenience trademarks belong to and which one will play a leading role.