Trademark, in English, is Trademark or brand, commonly known as "brand". Refers to the visible marks used by producers, operators or service providers on their goods or services in order to identify themselves and distinguish themselves from others, that is, a combination of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs and colors. and a mark composed of a combination of the above elements.
The origins of trademarks date back to ancient times, when craftsmen imprinted their signatures or "marks" on their works of art or utilitarian products. These marks evolved into today's trademark registration and protection system. This system helps consumers identify and purchase a product or service because the nature and quality of the product or service indicated by the trademark meet their needs.
Trademark essentials
The subject of use: producers, operators or service providers of goods
Object of use: use on goods or services.
Function: To indicate the source of goods or services and to distinguish similar goods or services.
Constituting elements: that is, the combination of text, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional marks, colors, and the combination of the above elements.