Authentic products also have this.
The biggest difference between authentic products and imitation products is reflected in the brand LOGO, which represents the quality of a brand, so it is correct to look at the LOGO to identify authenticity. Genuine Coach bags are arranged in a pattern composed of horizontal C and vertical C. The horizontal C and vertical C touch each other, and the entire brand LOGO pattern is horizontal and vertical. On the fake bag, the edges of the double Cs are not touching, the entire LOGO is tilted, and the texture is not good. First of all, the lining of the Coach bag has the classic CC logo, but there is only one place where the logo is printed on the lining and the outside, while the fakes have the CC logo printed on all the linings. In fact, authentic Coach has also researched on zippers and buckles. It was originally to highlight the exquisite design of the bag, but unexpectedly it became a small means to distinguish authenticity. Genuine buckles are printed with the Coach trademark LOGO and use metal buckles.