Desserts belong to the 3004 group of trademark classification Class 30
Class 30 mainly includes coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, edible starch, sago, coffee substitutes, and flour And cereal products, bread, pastries and candies, iced foods, honey, syrup, fresh yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauce (condiments), seasoning spices, drinking ice, etc.
Group 3001, coffee
Group 3002, tea beverages
Group 3003, sugar
Group 3004, candy< /p>
Group 3005, honey
Group 3006, bread
Group 3007, convenience food
Group 3008, whole grains< /p>
Group 3009, noodles and rice flour products
Group 3010, puffed cereal foods
Group 3011, edible prepared gluten
3012 Group, edible starch and its products
Group 3013, edible ice
Group 3014, salt
Group 3015, soy sauce
< p>Group 3016, condimentsGroup 3017, yeast
Group 3018, edible flavors
Group 3019, single product