Pizza belongs to Group 3007, Category 30 of the Trademark Classification;
According to statistics from, there are 1,218 registered pizza trademarks. How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. There are 33 trademarks selected for registration (bread, group number: 3006), accounting for 2.71% of the registration rate
2 .There are 22 trademarks selected for registration in the category (cakes, group number: 3006), accounting for 1.81%.
3. There are 22 trademarks selected for registration in the category (cereal products, group number: 3008) There are 21 trademarks, accounting for 1.72% of the total. 4. There are 19 trademarks selected for registration (tea, group number: 3002), accounting for 1.56% of the total.
5 .There are 19 trademarks selected for registration in the (sandwich, group number: 3006) category, accounting for 1.56%
6. There are 18 trademarks selected for registration (coffee, group number: 3001) files, the registration ratio reached 1.48%