Trademark function
Trademark registrants enjoy the exclusive right to use a trademark and also have the right to license others to use the trademark for compensation. The term of protection of trademark rights varies from country to country, but after the expiration, the trademark can be renewed indefinitely as long as an extra fee is paid. Trademark protection shall be implemented by the court or administrative organ. In most systems, the courts and administrative organs in charge of trademarks have the right to stop trademark infringement. Generally speaking, the court's decision is final.
Broadly speaking, a trademark is a kind of reward for trademark registrants, which makes their goods or services recognized and economic benefits. Trademarks also encourage creativity and a positive attitude. Trademark protection can also prevent unfair competitors (such as counterfeiters) from using the same or similar trademarks to promote inferior or different products or services.
Trademark system can enable skilled and enterprising people to produce and sell goods and services under as fair conditions as possible, thus promoting the development of international trade.
Extended data:
Registration type
Almost anything can be registered as a trademark. Trademarks can be words, letters and numbers, or a combination of them. A trademark can be composed of graphics, colors, symbols, three-dimensional diagrams (such as the shape and packaging of goods), auditory signs (such as music or sound), fragrance or distinctive colors, registered trademarks of domain names and the combination of the above elements, all of which can be applied for registration as trademarks.
A trademark approved for registration by the state is a "registered trademark" and is protected by law. Trademarks protect trademark registrants by ensuring that they have the exclusive right to mark goods or services or license others to use them for compensation.
The origin of trademarks can be traced back to ancient times, when craftsmen printed their signatures or "marks" on their works of art or practical products. These marks have evolved into today's trademark registration and protection system. This system helps consumers identify and buy a product or service, because the nature and quality of the product or service indicated by the trademark meet their needs.
China's earliest trademark is the "White Rabbit Logo" used in the needle shop of Liu Jiagong House in Jinan, Shandong Province in the Northern Song Dynasty, which is not significantly different from modern trademarks.
Baidu encyclopedia-registered trademark