Many people should have encountered this problem. Tableware sold by themselves bears a trademark, which must be rubbed off before use. However, if it is torn by hand, there will be residue, and that kind of glue water cannot be washed clean. If it is fine outside the tableware, even if it is not clean, it can continue to be used, but it will only affect the beauty of the tableware. However, if the trademark cannot be rubbed off inside the tableware, it will be very harmful to the health.
In fact, tableware trademarks belong to the eighth category of hand-made instrument trademarks. The best way to get rid of the trademark of tableware stickers is to use a hair dryer. After turning on the hair dryer, don't use cold air. It won't do any good to keep blowing cold air. At this time, you should choose hot air and blow it at the trademark for about one minute. At this time, some trademarks will fall off by themselves. If you can't do it yourself, you can open it by hand, and you can easily wipe off the trademark. At this time, alcohol should be used. You can pour alcohol directly on the tableware, and then wipe it with some soft rags, so that the trademark on the tableware can be easily removed. Another way is to use hot water, that is, to make the trademark heated, and then it can be easily torn off. In fact, the trademark can be easily torn off as long as it is heated, but it can't be torn off only by cold water cleaning.
many people may want to say, since the trademark on tableware is so difficult to clean, why should we put a trademark on it? This is because no matter tableware or any kind of commodity, it can only be proved which commodity it is and which enterprise produces it if it is labeled. This is also a sign that the enterprise wants to develop and distinguish customers from other products. Although it is sometimes difficult to get rid of the trademark affixed to tableware, it is also a very good way to buy the goods you like, as long as it is cleaned up in time after purchasing the goods, and try to use the goods as much as possible.
Good-sounding 8th brand name recommendation: Huimiao Tableware Trademark.