2. Compare prices: If the price of a commodity is obviously lower than the market price or the price of other channels, it may be a fake and shoddy product. Too low a price often means that there are problems with quality and authenticity.
3. Inquiring about anti-counterfeiting labels: Many commodities will be accompanied by anti-counterfeiting labels. Consumers can inquire about anti-counterfeiting labels by scanning QR codes, inputting anti-counterfeiting codes or taking photos and uploading them, so as to know the authenticity information of commodities.
4. Identify packaging marks: Some goods will have some special marks or labels on the packaging, such as anti-counterfeiting marks, production place marks and quality certification marks. Consumers can understand the characteristics and authenticity of these signs to judge the authenticity of goods.
5. Selection of purchase channels: Choose regular and reputable purchase channels to avoid buying goods in vendors, roadside stalls and other places, and reduce the risk of buying fake and shoddy products.
6. Pay attention to product details: carefully observe the details of the goods, such as fonts, patterns, colors, etc., to see if they are consistent with the genuine products. Fake and shoddy products usually have obvious differences in details.
7. Pay attention to packaging and quality: observe the packaging and quality of goods to see if they meet the standards of genuine products. Authentic products usually have fine packaging and good quality.
8. With the help of professional institutions: the authenticity of some commodities needs to be appraised with the help of professional institutions, such as luxury goods and antiques. Consumers can choose to send the goods to professional institutions for identification to ensure that they are genuine.
The above are some common anti-counterfeiting knowledge. Consumers can judge the authenticity and quality of goods according to these methods and skills when buying goods, and protect their rights and interests. At the same time, more accurate information about the authenticity of goods can also be obtained by means of anti-counterfeiting label inquiry.