Cat symbol

Cats In spirituality, it involves fluids, auras

Friendly ghosts and oppressive energies.

Cats are neutral, like witches,

alchemists and parapsychologists.

Cats can actually see more energy.

It can see the connection between the inside and the outside.

Cats usually appear to be wise beings,

They are almost always in a meditative state

Teaching us to be patient


Concentrate and remain silent.

Cats are always exploring new problems and constantly exploring

Every second contains the possibility of creation

Infinite interactions with things Relationship

The cat will wake up from sleep within a second and immediately exert its maximum energy.

It knows the behavior of every part of its body down to the millimeter

The cat is an animal that contains a lot of quartz in its pineal gland,

So It is beneficial for energy healing and energy transfer,

because it captures bad energy in the environment,

and transforms it into good energy.

Where the cat usually hangs out,

This means it is helping to process the energy there.

If an animal starts lying on a certain part of our body

This is a sign:

There is an energetic blockage in an organ or limb

Because the animal has noticed the bad energy in that organ

Then he chooses to lie down on this part of the body

to help clear the bad energy there

If a cat is lying somewhere

it suddenly leaves

because it feels that it has cleared the energy of the place and that it is no longer needed there.

A cat’s love for its owner is unconditional

It will express its love in all its ways

As long as you observe carefully

The goddess Bastet in Egyptian mythology

usually represented by a woman's body and a cat's head

This beautiful goddess is light

and A symbol of energy

During the period of Greek rule

Bastet was further transformed into a god representing the moon

It is also a symbol of the moon

And imparts energy to the land and people on the earth

Cure diseases and guide the souls of the dead

In addition, she is also the patron saint of families

Symbolizing the fight against disease and evil spirits

People also gave her a very beautiful name:

Guardian of Fragrance