You can search for your trademark at the Japan Trademark Office by trademark name, number or applicant. You can also ask service agencies to provide free trademark inquiries and entrust experienced intellectual property agencies to handle it. Now many agencies have their own inquiry systems. You can consult a consultant online or submit the trademark name yourself online, and the agency will provide trademark inquiry services. , after inquiry, professional intellectual property consultants will help analyze the trademark to minimize trademark risks. Since Japan is a signatory to the Madrid Protocol, there are two ways to register a Japanese trademark.
Japanese trademark search website,
What types of trademarks can be registered in Japan? Any sign or mark that can be reproduced graphically and can distinguish goods/services from other goods All can be registered: names, devices, holograms, three-dimensional shapes, trade dress, slogans, colors, sounds.
How to search for trademarks in the Japan Trademark Office database
Step 1:
Enter the Japanese trademark search website
Step 2:< /p>
This step involves searching for the name you wish to have. Here you have to search for the desired trademark in the first column and click on Search.
Step 3:
The number of existing results for the trade name you wish to own is displayed in a new window. Click "INDEX" to see similar names in different trademark categories.
Step 4:
This window displays the registration numbers of companies with similar names in different trademark categories. Clicking on any 'Registration Number' will display the trademark registration details of the company they are registered with.
Step 5:
After clicking the registration number, the following page will appear. It displays the logo and/or trademark term on the right side along with registration details such as registration number, registration date, application number, application date, trademark standard characters, reference number, trademark classification, holder name, standard characters, etc. Name, transliteration of the word in the local language, similar group codes, laws applying for registration, international versions, number of courses, services provided, etc.
According to Japan's trademark law, these trademarks cannot be registered: signs that violate moral principles or oppose public policy, common words or signs with the same meaning, signs including national flags, regions, Flags, coats of arms and names of countries and international organizations, marks lacking acquired distinctiveness, marks used primarily as surnames, marks used primarily as names of geographical locations, unauthorized use of signatures, likenesses or marks of names.
The above is the relevant content about "How to check the Japanese trademark search website entrance". If you want to know more, you are welcome to consult a professional intellectual property consultant.