If you do not specify the specified color when you apply for a registered trademark, then the registered trademark will be a black and white trademark. Black and white trademarks have a wide scope of protection. In actual use, the trademark can be of any color. Generally, we recommend that customers apply for a black and white trademark. If the company needs to develop in the future, different colors can be used at any time. The broad protection scope of black and white trademarks is the same in many foreign countries. This certificate with a black and white label cannot be replaced by a red label, and the Trademark Office will not accept it, dear. . . I suggest you explain it to your leader. The black and white label does not affect its use. If you want a red mark certificate, you have to resubmit a red mark registration application, but I think there is a risk that the Trademark Office may reject it, but I can't be sure, I have never encountered such a thing. There is a fixed application form for changing the registered address. You can download it from the Trademark Office website and look at other materials that need to be submitted. You can also go to an agency to handle it, which is easier. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I hope I can help you.