USPAR household gas instant water heater is a brand of Qingdao Century Oppein Electric Co., Ltd. Its nominal trademark is "USPAR".
Failed random inspections in reports from industrial and commercial bureaus in many places.
It has nothing to do with the Oppein brand. There was a dispute between the two. The final result was:
1. Baishian Company immediately stopped selling its online store on the day the judgment became legally effective. The act of using the words "OPPEIN" to sell gas water heater products;
2. Baishian Company immediately stopped selling gas products marked with the words "Qingdao Century OPPEIN Electric Co., Ltd." on the day the judgment takes effect. Water heater products;
3. Smith Company immediately stopped producing and selling gas water heaters marked with the words "Qingdao Century Oppein Electric Co., Ltd." on the day the judgment became legally effective.