About the reasons for the low price. On the e-commerce platform, there are sometimes some special promotions or limited-time discount, which may be one of the reasons why the price of Dobby is lower than that of fully freeze-dried stock solution. Some sellers may use some marketing methods to attract consumers, such as attracting traffic at low prices and making profits through other products. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a fake just because the price is cheap.
You can pay attention to the channels and sources of products. If the products enter the market through formal channels and Taobao has formal authorized sales shops, then we can buy them with confidence. We can check the word-of-mouth and evaluation of the store to find out whether the buying experience and evaluation of other consumers are positive. If the store has a good reputation and has favorable feedback, it will also increase the reliability of genuine products.
We can judge the authenticity by knowing the product itself. As a well-known brand of skin care products, Dobiquan frozen liquid should have certain quality assurance. We can judge the authenticity of the product by looking at the packaging, ingredients, production date and other information. If the product is beautifully packaged, the ingredients are clearly marked, and there is a reasonable production date, it also increases the possibility of genuine products.
Low price does not necessarily mean that the product is fake. We need to comprehensively consider multiple factors to judge the authenticity of products, including channel source, store reputation, consumer evaluation, product information and so on. If you still have doubts, it is recommended to choose a formal channel to purchase, and pay attention to keeping the purchase voucher for future rights protection. Just because Taobao is cheap doesn't mean it must be a fake, but we should be vigilant and make reasonable judgments and choices when buying. Remember, it is safer and more reliable to choose regular channels to buy skin care products that are in direct contact with the skin.