The service industry is the 45th category of trademark registration, private and social services provided by others to meet personal needs, and services to protect property and personal safety, such as 4501 is security services and 4502 is the provision of personnel services; 4503 is the provision of clothing services; 4504 is funeral services, 4504 is single service, and 4506 is legal services. If the services specified by the previous trademark and the services specified by the trademark you applied for do not belong to the same group, these trademarks can be ** *Save because the services are not similar. Simply put, if the services provided by your trademark are not similar to those of the prior trademark, the same/similar trademarks will not hinder your trademark (unless it is a well-known trademark). If the services are similar, then adding the word "service" will definitely affect your trademark. was rejected and faced the risk of being sued for trademark infringement.