Trademark registration classification inquiries can be made at the following places:
1. Trademark Office official website: Trademark offices in different countries or regions usually provide trademark registration classification inquiry services on their official websites. . You can visit the official website of the trademark office of your country or region and use the trademark classification query tool or search function provided by it.
2. Trademark database websites: There are some trademark database websites that provide trademark registration classification query functions. These websites collect a large amount of trademark information, which can be queried based on trademark name, classification, applicant and other conditions. For example, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)'s Global Brand Database (GlobalBrandDatabase).
3. Trademark agencies or legal service agencies: Trademark agencies and legal service agencies usually have trademark registration classification query tools and databases that can help you conduct trademark classification queries. You can consult these agencies to obtain accurate trademark classification information.
4. Professional intellectual property lawyers or consultants: If you need more professional trademark classification query services, you can consult a professional intellectual property lawyer or consultant. They have extensive experience and expertise and can provide you with accurate trademark classification information and advice.
It should be noted that trademark registration classification inquiry can help you determine the classification to which a specific trademark belongs, so as to better understand the scope of goods or services covered by the trademark. This is very important for trademark registration and protection of trademark rights.
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