For users in Harbin who are registering for trademark transfer, they can also inquire about the trademark transfer process online. Therefore, you need to purchase a trademark. So which company should I go to for trademark transfer in Harbin? We can consult the Harbin Trademark Office or find a Harbin Trademark Agency. But here I would like to tell you that there are no regional restrictions on trademark transfer. No matter where the customer is, they can directly entrust a trademark agent online to complete the transaction. You can consult Bajie’s customer service here for answers. Harbin Trademark Office: There is currently no Trademark Office in Harbin, so if regional trademarks need to be transferred, you can entrust a trademark agency in Beijing, or go directly to the Beijing Trademark General Office to handle the trademark transfer directly. Bajie service commitment: Bajie adheres to the spirit of integrity, pragmatism and innovation, and adheres to our service concept: pragmatism and innovation, creating value for customers, harmony and progress, and adhering to the core values ??of the team: customer first, unlimited service. In order for you to get safe and reliable services from Bajie, Bajie team's service commitment is as follows: 1. All trademarks purchased from Bajie are now committed to ensuring the successful transfer to your name. 2. The Bajie team promises that the information provided to you is true and reliable, and Bajie will bear all responsibilities arising therefrom.