How much does it cost to buy a clothing trademark? Whether it's men's or women's clothing, the apparel industry is very competitive. If you want to differentiate your clothes from other clothes, it is very important to have your own clothing trademark.
Clothing trademark transfer fee, estimated transfer price of 25 categories of trademarks:
There are clothes, complete products, about 30,000 in Chinese or Chinese spelling in English;
There are clothes, complete products, about 20,000 meaningless in English, meaningful English depends on the meaning;
There are clothes, complete products, single graphics or text plus graphics, generally more than 50,000 ;
The rimmed trademarks look a bit similar, right? The price is generally not cheap.
Which trademark website is better? How to choose? When purchasing a trademark, be sure to have a thorough understanding of it. At present, when we choose these trademark sales websites, we should conduct a multi-faceted analysis based on our own specific circumstances.
1. Look at the trademark name
If you want to know which website is good for buying trademarks, it is recommended that you first look at the trademark name of this website. If the website's brand name is not something you like, even if you are optimistic about the website, it may not help. Therefore, when we want to choose a trademark to purchase a website, it is recommended that you choose these websites in different ways, so that you can choose a website that is suitable for us and let you understand the trademark names of these products at the first time.
2. Look at the price of the trademark
When you buy trademark products, you must look at the price of the entire trademark. Generally speaking, if the trademark is cheap, or the trademark has a relatively high cost performance, it may be more in line with most people's purchasing intentions. However, if the price of the trademark does not meet the standard we want at all, in this case it cannot meet our actual needs, so many people may not choose this website because of the merchant's price.
3. Trademark buying and selling steps
No matter what website you choose, all trademarks should be fully traded in accordance with the existing Trademark Office transaction procedures. What most people want to know is which website is good for buying and selling trademarks. However, we can first understand the trademark transaction steps, because if this website does not follow the formal transaction steps, even if you buy the trademark, you may not have the right to use the trademark in the end, which is a harm to each of us. Therefore, we must master the steps of trademark transactions in advance, which can bring us a series of maintenance.
Direct access to trademark supermarket: clothing trademark transfer