Cheese is also a common food in life. It is a fermented milk product. Its properties are similar to common kefir. They are both made through the fermentation process and contain health-care properties. Lactic acid bacteria, but the concentration of cheese is higher than that of yogurt, which is similar to solid food, and the nutritional value is therefore richer. So how to choose the category of cheese trademark?
You can still get the answer you want by searching in the Trademark Classification Encyclopedia, that is, the category of the cheese trademark is in Class 29 "2907-Milk and Dairy Products-White Cheese 2907, Cheese Powder 2907," Solid milk 2907, cheese spread 2907, whey powder 2907, soft white cheese 2907, soft cheese 2907, skimmed cheese 2907, anhydrous butter 2907, fresh cream 2907, fresh raw cheese 2907", etc.
How should the scope of exercise of Daqing’s trademark rights be described? my country's Trademark Law clearly stipulates that the protection of exclusive rights to registered trademarks is limited to the trademarks that have been approved for registration and the goods that have been approved for use. Here, “approved registered trademark” refers to the words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos, color combinations, or a combination of the above elements that constitute a trademark registered by the Trademark Office.
It is worth noting that the registered trademark contains the common name, graphics, model of the product, or directly indicates the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity and other characteristics of the product, or If it contains a place name, the owner of the exclusive right to a registered trademark has no right to prohibit others from using it properly.
As for the content of trademark rights, the exclusive right to use is the most basic core right in trademark rights. The trademark owner may exclusively use the approved trademark on the approved goods and obtain other legitimate rights and interests through use. The exclusive right to use is relative and can only be used within the scope provided by law.
The right of prohibition means that the owner of a registered trademark has the right to prohibit others from using an identical or similar trademark to the same or similar goods or services without his permission. Licensing right refers to the right of a registered trademark owner to authorize others to use its registered trademark by signing a licensing contract. Licensed use is a way for trademark owners to exercise their rights.
The final transfer right refers to the act of the registered trademark owner transferring his trademark rights to others in accordance with certain conditions and in accordance with the law. To transfer a registered trademark, a contract must be signed by both parties, and applications must be submitted to the Trademark Office at the same time. The transfer will be effective only after approval and announcement by the Trademark Office. Note: Welcome to Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Transfer Network. The company was established in 2012. It is a comprehensive trademark service platform for trademark transfer, trademark registration, and trademark transactions!