the explanation of "Excel" in English-Chinese dictionaries (source: Baidu Dictionary):
KK: []
DJ: []
1. Better than [(+in/at)]
. Better than others [(+in/at)]
In 1982
Microsoft introduced its first spreadsheet software -Multiplan, which was a great success in CP/M system, but in MS-DOS system, Multiplan lost to Lotus1-2-3 (an earlier spreadsheet software). This event prompted the birth of Excel, just as the research code of Excel is DougKlunder: Do what Lotus1-2-3 can do, and do it better.
In September, 1983
Bill Gates called Microsoft's top software experts to hold a three-day "brainstorming meeting" at the Red Lion Hotel in Seattle. Gates announced that the purpose of this meeting is to launch the world's fastest spreadsheet software as soon as possible.
in p>1985
the first Excel was born. it was only used in Mac system, and its Chinese translation was "beyond".
in p>1987
the first Excel for Windows system was also produced (directly tied to the Windows environment, with version number 2. in the Mac). Lotus1-2-3 can't be applied to Windows system for a long time. By 1988, the sales volume of Excel exceeded 1-2-3, which made Microsoft stand in the leading position of PC software vendors. This incident has led to the replacement of the overlord of the software kingdom. Microsoft has consolidated its strong competitor position and found the direction of developing graphics software.
every two years, Microsoft will launch a new version to expand its advantages. At present, the latest version of Excel is 11, also known as Microsofot Office Excel23.
In the early days, Excel became the target of trademark law because it had the same name as the software sold by another company. After trial, Microsoft was required to name this software after MicrosoftExcel in its official documents and legal documents. However, with the passage of time, this practice has gradually disappeared. Although Excel provides a lot of user interface features, it still retains the features of the first spreadsheet software VisiCalc: rows and columns form cells, and data, formulas related to data or absolute references to other cells are stored in cells.
Excel is the first spreadsheet software that allows users to customize the interface (including fonts, text attributes and cell formats). It also introduces the function of "intelligent recalculation". When the cell data changes, only the related data will be updated, while the original tabulation software can only recalculate all the data or wait for the next instruction. At the same time, Excel also has powerful graphic functions.
in p>1993
when p>Excel was bundled into Microsoft Office for the first time, Microsoft redesigned the interface between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint to adapt to this extremely popular application at that time.
Since 1993, Excel has supported Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). VBA is a powerful tool, which makes Excel form an independent programming environment. Using VBA and macros, you can automate manual steps. VBA also allows you to create forms to obtain information input by users. However, the automation function of VBA also makes Excel the target of macro virus.
In p>1995
Excel was designed to give you the tools you need. Whether you make a simple summary, make a sales trend chart or perform advanced analysis, no matter what you are doing, Microsoft Excel can help you complete your work in the way you want.
In p>1997
Excel97 was an important program in Office97. Once Excel came out, it was considered as a powerful and convenient spreadsheet software. It can complete many tasks such as table input, statistics and analysis, and can generate beautiful and intuitive tables and charts. It provides a good tool for dealing with various forms in daily life. In addition, because Excel and Word belong to the Office suite, they have many similarities in window composition, format setting, editing operation, etc. Therefore, when learning Excel, we should pay attention to applying what we have learned in Word before.
In p>21
With --Microsoft Excel22, a spreadsheet program in Office XP, you can quickly create, analyze and * * * enjoy important data. New features such as smart tags and task panes simplify common tasks. The enhancement of collaboration further simplifies the information review process. The new data recovery function ensures that you will not lose the fruits of your labor. Refreshable queries enable you to integrate active data from the Web and any other data sources.
Excel23 enables you to organize messy data into useful information through powerful tools, and then analyze, communicate and * * * enjoy the results. It can help you work better in a team and protect and control access to your work. In addition, you can use the Extensible Markup Language (XML) which conforms to the industry standard to connect to business programs more conveniently.
1. When displaying the contents of the active cell in 23, the edit bar is often offside, blocking the column labels and the contents of the worksheet. Especially, the cell under the edit bar has a long formula. At this time, the cell contents can't be seen at all, and you can't double-click and drag the fill handle. Now, in 27, the up-and-down arrows in the edit bar (if the height of the edit bar is adjusted, a flowing bar will appear) and the button to collapse the edit bar completely solve this problem, and no longer occupy the space below the edit bar. There are two ways to adjust the height of the formula bar-drag the adjustment bar at the bottom of the formula bar or double-click the adjustment bar. When the height of the edit bar is adjusted, the table moves down, so the contents in the table will not be overwritten. At the same time, shortcut keys (CTRL+SHIFT+U) are added for these operations, so as to quickly switch between single-line and multi-line modes of the edit bar.
the name address box in p>2.23 is fixed, which is not enough to display long names. In 27, however, it can move around and has the function of adjusting the name box horizontally. Users can adjust the width of the name box by dragging the separator (concave dot) left and right, so that it can adapt to long names.
in p>3.23, the formula restrictions in the edit box were still annoying, and in 27, there were several improvements. 1. Formula length limit (characters), 23 version limit: 1K characters, 27 version limit: 8k characters; 2. The number of layers of formula nesting is limited. In 23, it was limited to 7 layers, and in 27, it was limited to 64 layers. 3. Limit of the number of parameters in the formula: 3 in 23 and 255 in 27.
From 5. to 9., different Easter eggs are hidden in Excel. Editing this paragraph of management software
At present, many software manufacturers have begun to study the application of Excel in enterprise management and process control in a simpler way with the help of its friendly interface and powerful data processing function, such as Essap (Excel &; SQL platform is a good example of combining Excel and database software MS SQL to enterprise management and data processing in all walks of life.
ESSAP is a design and running platform for building information systems. With Excel as the operating interface, combined with large database MS SQL and workflow technology, users can design various information management systems that meet their own needs (management intentions) as long as they use the Excel operating technology they have mastered (without relying on professional IT personnel). In addition, after the system design is completed and put into use, it doesn't mean that the system can't be changed from now on, but it can be continuously optimized and expanded according to the needs of management, so as to truly achieve "continuous optimization and change as needed" and make the system designed by yourself never fall behind.
Maybe in the future, Excel can penetrate into every corner of daily work.