Hello! In daily life, we often see the "R" mark in the upper right corner or lower right corner of the trademark. "R" is the registered mark of a trademark and is the abbreviation of "Register Trade Mark" in English. In our country, the use of the "R" mark is restricted by the Trademark Law. Only a trademark that has obtained a registration certificate can be marked with a registration mark. Its function is to indicate that the words or graphics it marks have been registered for the approved goods or services. , Counterfeiting will be investigated.
TM" is not a registered mark of a trademark, but the abbreviation of the English "Trade Mark" (trademark). In our country, the use of the "TM" mark is not subject to any legal restrictions. Its functions are: It indicates that the marked text or graphic part is used as a trademark function of the product or service, rather than the name or decoration of the product. It can be used to remind consumers to remember the marked part so that they can find the product smoothly. p>