1. When applying for trademark registration in the United States, the trademark is identical or similar to a previously registered trademark or a previously applied trademark. This is the most common reason why trademark registration applications in the United States are rejected. This is a reason, so I would like to warn those who are planning to register a trademark, they must conduct a trademark search;
2. When applying for trademark registration in the United States, the trademark describes the goods or services sought to be registered. , this is a legitimate reason to refuse registration;
3. When applying for trademark registration in the United States, the name used by the trademark is the common name of the goods or services;
4 . When applying for trademark registration in the United States, the trademark uses an individual's surname;
5. When applying for trademark registration in the United States, it cannot be used as a goods or service trademark because it lacks distinctive characteristics. ;
6. When applying for trademark registration in the United States, the description of the trademark has a geographical description or an incorrect geographical description;
7. When applying for trademark registration in the United States, the description of the trademark has a geographical description or an incorrect geographical description; A trademark that contains the flag or emblem of the United States or a foreign country, or a trademark that is immoral, deceptive, defamatory, confusing, etc.