You can view the CDR file extension on Windows, Mac and WindowsServer2008R2. These files are mainly supported by desktop platforms and some mobile platforms. The popularity of these files is "low", which means that they are not common.
To learn more about CDR files and their related software applications, please refer to the following information. In addition, we also provide a basic troubleshooting guide to solve the problem of opening CDR files.
Four known file types of various cdr files use this extension CorelRawVectorImageFileLeaccDVD/CDMasterImageFileRawDiocdatabase CrashDataRetrieveValDataFileCDR master file association. CDR format:. CDR category: CorelDRAWVectorImageFile and CDR file extension files are drawing or vector image files created by CorelDRAW of the software. It is the main file type used in CorelDRAW and can contain text, lines, images, colors and effects. Because it is Corel's proprietary format, not many image editing programs support it.
Company: Corel Category: Vector Image File Location: HKEY _ Category _ Root. cdr Open the software program of CorelDRAWVectorImageFile:
AdobeIllustratorCC (software environment: Windows) developed by AdobeSystemsIncorporated (software environment: Mac) CanvasX (software environment: Windows) developed by ACD Systems (software environment: Mac) PaintShopPro (software environment: Windows)Core developed by Corel. L CorelDRAWGraphicsSuite (software environment: Windows) CDRViewer developed by IdeaMK
WindowsWindowsServer2008R2 Other cdr files and. CDR format:. CDR category: macvd/CDMasterImageFileACDR file, or you can create a disk image on a Mac computer through the built-in disk utility. It may be contained in several folders and files of a single disk image file that can be burned to a CD. ACDR files are similar to creating ISO files on MicrosoftWindows computers.
Company: apple category: disk image file software program opens macvd/CDMasterImageFile file:
AppleDiskUtility developed by Apple
Compatibility: (software environment: MAC) HFSexplorer developed by Catacombe.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: Mac) AppleFinalCutPro developed by Apple.
Compatibility: (software environment: MAC) DiskImageMounter developed by MAC OS x apple.
Compatibility: (software environment: Mac). Cdr format:. CDR class: RawAudioCDDataACDR files can also be CD tracks extracted from the computer hard disk of audio CDs. This is a similar AIF or WAV file format, but it lacks compression, normalization, filters and other related data.
Company: VideoLAN Category: Audio File Software Program for Opening RawAudioCDData File:
VLCMediaPlayer developed by VideoLAN
MicrosoftWindowsMediaPlayer developed by Windows Phonemacionandroidlinuxchromesosolarisunixfreebsdnetdopenbsddmicrosoftcorporation.
WindowsWindowsPhone (software environment: Mac) AppleiTunes developed by Apple.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) ModPlugPlayer developed by Macios Linux OpenSource.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) AwaveStudio developed by FMJ Software Company.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) H+HSoftwareVirtualCD was developed by HsoftwareMbh.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows)Roxio toast15 developed by roxio.
Compatibility: (Software environment: MAC) Foobar2000 was developed by Piotrpawlowski.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) MPC-HC developed by Iosandroiddoom 9 users.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows)LightningUK! Developed LightningUK! ImgBurn
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) MiroVideoConverter developed by Linux Participatory Foundation.
Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: Mac). Cdr format:. CDR category: Bosch CrashDataRetrieveValDataFile This CDR file is associated with Bosch collision data retrieval equipment and used to retrieve information related to vehicle collision.
Company: RobertBoschGmbH Category: data file software program for opening Bosch CrashDataRetrieveValDataFile file:
BoschCDR developed by RobertBoschGmbH.
Compatibility: (Software environment: Windows) Troubleshooting CDR files AdobeIllustratorCC is not installed. Double-clicking your CDR file will prompt the message "%%os%% cannot open CDR file". Usually, this is because you have not installed AdobeIllustratorCC for %%os%%. You won't be able to double-click to open the CDR because your operating system doesn't know what to do with it.
Tip: Click "Show Application" and locate the application. You can choose another CDR-related program to open the file.
The version of AdobeIllustratorCC is incorrect. Your CorelDRAWVectorImageFile is not compatible with AdobeIllustratorCC, because you may have installed the wrong version. It is recommended to install the latest version of AdobeSystemsIncorporated. The main reason for this problem is that the CorelDRAWVectorImageFile version was created by an updated version of AdobeIllustratorCC, not the version you installed on your computer.
Tip: Right-click the CDR, and then click Properties (Windows) or Get Information (Mac) to provide clues about the file version.
Finally, most of the difficulties in opening CDR files are because the wrong version of AdobeIllustratorCC is installed.
Reasons for opening other CDR files Although AdobeIllustratorCC or other CDR-related software may have been installed on your computer, you may still encounter problems when opening CorelDRAWVectorImageFile files. Other CDR open errors may be caused by other system problems in %%os%%. Such issues included questions on the following:
The Windows registry file path reference of CDR is corrupted. The CDR file has been deleted from the registry by mistake. The incomplete part indicates that the installation of AdobeIllustratorCC will affect the CDR file. The file is corrupted. Your CDR is negatively affected by malware. The hardware device driver related to your CDR file is damaged or out of date. There are too many applications open on the computer. Unable to successfully load CorelDRAWVectorImageFile What is a cdr file and how to open it for extended reading. CDR file extension 4 file type is used. CDR file extension 1 CorelDRAW image file 2.MacCD/. DVD image 3. Original audio CD data 4. Bosch accident data retrieval data file type 1CorelDRAW image file developer Corel company common daily use format file suffix. Cdr file classification vector diagram file CDR is what file? CDR file is a graphics (or vector image) file created by CorelDRAW, a vector graphics and page layout design software. It contains text, lines, shapes, images, colors and effects. CDR files are often used in briefings, color pages, manuals, product packaging, logos, web pages and various graphic designs.
CDR file extension information CDR file is the main file type created by CorelDRAW. When I met a CDR file on my computer, it was probably a graphic file created by CorelDRAW.
Because CDR files are saved in a proprietary format used by Corel software, few image editing software support this format. However, you can export CDR files in CorelDRAW to other more common formats, such as. PDF,。 JPG。 PNG,。 BMP and Ai.
For reusable page layouts, you can save CDR files as templates, and CorelDRAW will save templates as. CDT files.
In addition to CorelDRAW, CorelDRAWGraphicsSuite also contains the following programs:
CorelPHOTO-PAINT- Image Editing and Pixel-Based Design Program CorelFontManager- Font Development and Management Tool PowerTRACE_ Bitmap-to-Vector Drawing Driven by Artificial Intelligence (attached as an attachment of CorelDRAW application) CorelDRAW.app_ Online vector illustration and graphic design through Web browser CAPTURE_ Screenshot tool (Windows version only) AfterShot3HDR_ Original photo editor MIME type application /cdr
Applications /coreldraw
Application /x-cdr
Application /x-coreldraw
Image /cdr
Image /x-cdr
ZZ- application /zz-winassoc-cdr
How to open a CDR file? If you can't open the CDR file on your computer, there may be many reasons. The most common and main reason is that your computer doesn't have software that can open the CDR file. Windows system will pop up a prompt box: "To open this file, Windows needs to know which program opened it." The simplest and most direct solution is to download and install the appropriate software to open the CDR file.
Software programs that can open CDR files.