Mr. Wang, who was doing business in Jingdezhen, suddenly received a summons from the court. He thought that he had not done anything excessive. He was just doing a small business here. He thought about it for a long time, probably last year. In August, several people came to the store to buy tea cups. That person said he wanted to buy tea cups with the words Jingdezhen on the bottom, and they were the cheapest. He had also purchased a batch of very cheap tea cups with the words Jingdezhen on them before, and only the ones left I bought two of them, and they were bought by that person. At that time, that person asked Mr. Wang to stamp them, asked for a receipt, and took photos. As a result, he received a summons from the court a few months later. This was very embarrassing. Something strange.
The person in the complaint column on the subpoena said it was the Jingdezhen Ceramics Association, and the claim amount was 30,000 yuan, but in fact the two teacups sold by Mr. Wang only cost 4 yuan each, Mr. Wang said What they were doing was small business, and there was no illegal profit at all, and they did not infringe on the interests of others, so he found the reporter. Later, the reporter found the staff of the Jingdezhen Ceramics Association. The staff said that the subpoena from the court said The person is not a staff member of their Ceramics Association, nor is he a member of the entrusted law firm, so it can basically be determined that this is a fraud.
The fraud gang used this method because the Jingdezhen Ceramics Association has indeed had many previous prosecution cases, and there are indeed some businesses that imitate their brands, but Mr. Wang purchases goods through regular channels. , and it was not sold at a high price, and there was no illegal profit, so there is absolutely no point that can be prosecuted by law. It was mainly used. Mr. Wang did not understand the law very well. When they saw the court summons, I will hand over the 30,000 yuan.
If you encounter such a scam, you can actually visit some professionals, or you can go directly to the court to ask the relevant staff for verification and learn some legal knowledge. When purchasing goods, you must go to formal channels, and you must also Keep the corresponding purchase receipts and contracts. As long as it is through formal channels, there is no need to worry.