1. Look at the price. The real adidas are all priced uniformly in the whole country, even if there is a price difference, it will never be very big. If you buy it half or more cheaper than a specialty store, it is fake.
2. Look at the ID tag. ADIDAS has a different ID label for each different style of clothes. The ID label contains the date of manufacture, factory code, product classification and so on. For shoes, it mainly depends on the shoe label. The information such as the date of manufacture, factory code and category of the ID mark or shoe mark of genuine Adidas is very clear.
3. Look at the LOGO. The second letter D of the real adidas is connected with the shortest bar, the third letter I and the fourth letter D are connected with the middle bar, the three slashes on the trademark are connected with the upper corners of the two D's, and the genuine embroidery is more delicate, without thread ends, and the spacing is proportional.
these three lines are fine in workmanship and well-proportioned in size. Moreover, the distance between the three lines is consistent with the size of the lines themselves. The number of stitches between one inch is about 1 stitches.