The trademark receipt document is submitted on the same day, and an electronic receipt will be issued the next day, indicating that the agency has submitted the trademark. There will be an acceptance notice in about one month, which means that the trademark office has accepted it and is under review. After receiving the acceptance notice, you can mark it with the TM mark and use it. The next step is to wait quietly for the review result. It will be there in 5-6 months now. Issue review results.
1. "Application for Reexamination of Rejection of Trademark Registration Application"
2. "Power of Attorney for Trademark Review and Appraisal"
3. Subject qualification documents, provided by the enterprise Copy of business license, copy of front and back of personal ID card
4. Trademark rejection notice/partial rejection notice, copy
5. If it is rejected offline, required The Trademark Office will send a copy of the trademark rejection notice envelope. If it is an electronic rejection and there is no envelope, proof of receipt of the email can be provided
6. Other evidentiary materials
If it is an agency application, Generally, the application is made online. Once the application is sent successfully, a receipt will be issued for the application content and the application number will be empty.
Under normal circumstances, a receipt containing the application number will be generated on the second working day.
Currently, you will receive the official fee payment notice in about 10-15 working days after filing (the official fee for online application is 270/piece, not 300)
10 days after payment I will receive the acceptance notification within about working days.
If the acceptance receipt you are talking about is an acceptance notice, it means that it will be received about one month after the application is made, if the payment is timely.
You can ask the agent to provide a receipt of the declaration content first and confirm the application number and application date. And urge the agent to pay the fee promptly after receiving the payment notice. Of course, you generally need to pay the agent first.
When submitting, the trademark description column may or may not be written. When the examiner looks at it, it is only for reference. It is not necessarily adopted or not. During the trademark formal examination, the examiner feels that your font art If it becomes obvious, a graphic card will be set up, which will become a graphic trademark. The acknowledgment only means that the Trademark Office has received your transfer submission. If successful, a transfer approval certificate will be issued to indicate success
The acknowledgment is the application form you downloaded from the Trademark Office’s official website the next day. Some have application numbers on them. But now there is no acceptance notice for trademark renewal. After a trademark renewal application is submitted, as long as the materials are qualified and meet the trademark renewal regulations, the renewal certificate will be issued in one month