the products starting with 697 are the best.
the prefix code is the first three digits of the barcode, and 69-699 are all codes of China, which are allocated internationally. So the goods you buy begin with the numbers 69, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698 and 699, which are all domestic products. The manufacturer identification code is the five digits after the prefix code in the barcode. Represents the manufacturer code, which is applied by the manufacturer and assigned by the state.
the product item code is the last 4 digits of the manufacturer's identification code. This is set by the manufacturer himself. Each code represents a product produced by the manufacturer, and the check code is the last digit on the bar code. This number is uncertain and is calculated by the first 12 digits according to a certain algorithm.
the function of food bar code
the bar code on the food packaging bag is for people to read directly or input data into the computer through the keyboard. This group of blanks and the corresponding characters represent the same information. Bar code technology came into being with the development and application of computer and information technology. It is a new technology integrating coding, printing, identification, data acquisition and processing.
barcode scanning is a major trend in market circulation in the future. In order to make goods circulate freely and widely all over the world, enterprises, whether designing, manufacturing, applying for registration or using commodity bar code, must abide by the relevant regulations of commodity bar code.