There is also the wholesaler joining system initiated by manufacturers. For example, the Coca-Cola Company of the United States (the manufacturer of cool drinks) has signed contracts with some "bottlers" (that is, wholesalers) to grant the franchise right to distribute Coca-Cola in a certain area, and most retailers will deliver it. This is a joint venture between big manufacturers and independent wholesalers. This is a wholesale organization jointly operated by a group of independent small and medium-sized retailers in order to compete with big retailers (each independent small and medium-sized retailer participating in the joint venture has to pay a certain amount of shares). Through this joint venture organization, all members purchase some goods (from domestic and foreign manufacturers) in the same name, carry out publicity and advertising activities, and train employees. , and sometimes some production activities. For example, small and medium-sized retailers in the Netherlands form a "purchasing joint organization", which orders directly from abroad and has its own warehouse. This organization is actually an import wholesale organization jointly operated by small and medium-sized retailers; ICA in Sweden is a wholesale organization jointly operated by more than 5,000 retailers. The United grocery company in the United States is actually a retailer cooperative.