Furniture trademark transfer process. Furniture trademark transfer has always been a very popular trademark transfer category, and it is also the one that receives more inquiries. If you want to transfer a furniture trademark, you not only need to know the trademark transfer process, but also need to know some other trademark transfers. Knowledge, here is a list of furniture trademark transfer related matters for you.
1. Furniture trademark transfer process: application → acceptance → review → announcement → issuance of transfer certificate.
2. Furniture trademark transfer methods
1. The applicant submits the application to the Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bureau in person. From application to getting the trademark certificate, he has to go four times. If during If there is a problem in a certain link, more visits will be needed.
2. Entrust Bajie Agency to handle the trademark transfer. You only need to submit the required materials to the agency, and the agency will submit them to the Trademark Office. The buyer and seller of the trademark only need to wait for news at home. Trademark transfer If everything goes well, you can get the trademark certificate in 6-10 months. If you have any questions during this period, Bajie will contact you as soon as possible.
3. Materials required for furniture trademark transfer
1. Copy of trademark registration certificate;
2. Copy of registrant’s ID card and 2 signatures; company The trademark transferor needs to provide 2 copies of the annual valid business license with the official seal
3. Copy of the transferee's subject qualifications (the transferee is an individual: provide a copy of the ID card plus a self-employed license; The transferee is provided by the company: a copy of the valid annual inspection business license with the official seal);
4. The transferor provides a notarized transfer statement (if it can be ensured that the transferor's signature is consistent with the signature when applying for the trademark, Notarization may not be done temporarily);
5. The transfer application, transfer agreement, and transfer declaration are produced by Bajie Agency; transfer process trademark transfer