How much is the trademark registration fee in Shanghai?
how much is the trademark registration fee in Shanghai? If users who need to register a trademark in Shanghai are not very clear about the registration fee, let's talk about the approximate price of registered trademarks in Shanghai. Hello, the official fee for registering a trademark in Shanghai is 1 yuan, and the agency fee is 8 yuan. There is no charge for trademark rejection. Patent Application: Personal Name 6 yuan Company Name 1 yuan. There are many service agencies registered and transferred by Shang Dynasty all over the country, and the prices should be in strict accordance with national standards, which are generally not much different. I hope it will help you! Shanghai trademark registration process: 1) pre-registration inquiry: provide trademark name (or graphics) and designated goods, text (Chinese characters, English and numbers) trademark for 1 minutes, and design trademark for 24 hours; 2) After the relevant documents are prepared for the registration application, our company will make the application documents and submit them to the Trademark Office on the same day; 3) Formal Examination After receiving the application documents, the Trademark Office will conduct formal examination within one month, and after passing the examination, it will issue a Notice of Acceptance. 4) substantive examination, then enter the stage of substantive examination of trademarks. 5) After the announcement has passed the substantive examination, it will enter a three-month announcement period. 6) During the approval announcement period, if there is no objection, or the objection is untenable, the Trademark Office will formally approve the registration and issue a trademark registration certificate. Guangzhou Intellectual Property Co., Ltd. has been specialized in services related to intellectual property since its establishment. The business scope mainly involves trademark registration, patent application, domestic and foreign registration, renewal, alteration, licensing, transfer, disputes and intellectual property rights. Trade secrets, anti-unfair competition trademark technology transfer and a series of intellectual property services. Shanghai trademark trademark fee trademark registration