You should be referring to how to register a trademark for a company’s LOGO! In fact, this is a common practice for many companies, which is to register their LOGO as a trademark. As for how to do it specifically, please take a look at the general process first:
(1) Whether the company's LOGO is a pure picture and whether there are Chinese characters. If it is a pure picture, it will be more troublesome to check the approximation. If there is In text, it will be much easier to check;
(2) The official fee for registering a trademark is 300 yuan, and one official fee is charged for each trademark. Pay attention to whether the agency's quotation includes official fees, and confirm this clearly;
(3) The registration time will be longer than you think, so confirm the time points of each link;
(4) With the sharp increase in the number of trademark registrations, the probability of rejection has also increased greatly;
(5) In order to make the trademark protection of enterprises stronger , you can also consider copyright registration for the LOGO, because the time for copyright registration will be shorter than that for trademark registration. (6) If you still have any questions, you can send me a private message!