General clothes are divided into S, M, L, XL, XXL and other letters.
S represents the corresponding menswear size 165cm, and the corresponding menswear size 155cm. The letter m stands for men's size 170cm and women's size 160cm.
The letter l stands for men 175cm, women 165cm, XL stands for men 180cm, women 170cm, XXL stands for men 185cm and women 175cm. Besides XXL, there are actually bigger clothes. Compared with XXXL, clothes with larger calculation can be compared.
The digital representation method is as follows
"(size)/type, (body code)", where "size" means height, "type" means clean bust or clean waist, and "body code" means the difference between bust and waist, which is represented by Y, A, B and C. ..
A normal body; B-ultrasound is heavy.
C obese body; Y is thin.
For example: 170/88A, 175/96B, etc.
With the implementation of the new clothing standards, about 95% consumers in China can buy suitable clothes. Consumers only need to remember their intelligence, clothing technology, height and bust size, so they can solve the problem of matching clothes.