The trademark registration fee consists of two parts: trademark application fee and agency service fee.
1. Trademark application fee
Trademark application fee is a fee paid to the Trademark Office and is generally calculated according to category. The current trademark application fee is RMB 800 per category.
2. Agency service fee
Trademark agency service fee refers to the service fees provided by trademark agencies to customers. Agency services include trademark consultation, trademark application, trademark review, trademark rejection, etc. . Trademark agency service fees generally vary depending on the agency. However, formal trademark agencies generally have transparent pricing and will not charge inflated service fees.
The fees for registering a catering trademark are as follows:
1. The fee for one-time application for a trademark is about 300 yuan. You can choose up to ten product trademarks or service category trademarks. Apply for registration at the same time.
2. If the trademark categories applied for registration do not reach ten, a fee of 300 yuan will still be charged. If there are more than ten trademark categories, a fee of 30 yuan per category will be charged for the excess.
Application method: You can go to the Registration Hall of the Trademark Office (Beijing) in person to apply, or you can entrust a trademark agency to apply. Application fee: You need to pay an official fee of 1,000 yuan to the Trademark Office. If you entrust an agency to handle the application, you also need to pay an agency fee of about 600--800 yuan to the agency.
Information required for application:
1. A drawing of the trademark is required;
2. The scope of goods or services to be used for the registered trademark;
3. Identity documents:
A. For company applications: a copy of the company's business license is required;
B. For individual applications: an individual business license and personal ID card are required a copy.
Food trademark registration procedure:
1. First search for the trademark. If there is no identical or similar one before, you can prepare application documents and submit the application;
2. About one month after the application is submitted, the Trademark Office will issue you an application acceptance notice within ten working days (this period is called the formal review stage).
3. After the formal review is completed, it will enter the substantive review stage, which will take about one year.
4. If the substantive examination is passed, it will enter the announcement procedure (this period is 3 months, also called the objection period);
5. The announcement period expires and no one raises objections . You can get the registration certificate.
The time for successful registration above is generally about 12-18 months.
Legal basis:
"Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 22 Applicants for trademark registration shall classify goods according to the prescribed Fill in the form to report the product category and product name using the trademark, and submit an application for registration.
Article 28 For a trademark applied for registration, the Trademark Office shall complete the review within nine months from the date of receipt of the trademark registration application documents. If it complies with the relevant provisions of this Law, a preliminary review and announcement shall be made.
Article 33: For a trademark that has been initially approved and announced, within three months from the date of announcement, the prior right owner or interested parties believe that it violates paragraph 2 and paragraph 2 of Article 13 of this Law. Paragraph 3, Article 15, Paragraph 1 of Article 16, Article 30, Article 31, and Article 32, or any person believes that it violates Articles 4, 10, and Article 11, Article 12, and Article 19, paragraph 4, may file an objection with the Trademark Office. If there is no objection at the expiration of the announcement period, the registration will be approved, a trademark registration certificate will be issued, and the announcement will be made.
Article 72: Those who apply for trademark registration and handle other trademark matters must pay fees, and the specific fee standards will be determined separately.