The trademark name can be searched through the national trademark computer retrieval system and the trademark application files under review by the Trademark Office to check whether your trademark name is the same as the one that has been registered or previously applied for and is under review on similar goods or services. If there is a conflict, only those without conflict can be declared. Trademark graphics: Trademarks that can be applied for after inquiry should be designed with trademark graphics. Applicants can design by themselves under the guidance of an agent, or they can entrust the company's professionals to design. If the trademark graphic does not specify a color, 16 black and white drawings are required. For a trademark with a specified color, 16 color inkjet drawings and 2 black and white drawings are required, with a size of 6 to 8 centimeters. Application Procedures Once the trademark image and name are available, the applicant can bring a copy of the business license and the official seal of the company (with ID card and private seal for natural persons) to the trademark agency to apply for the seal. The application form is printed by computer settings and does not need to be filled in by the applicant. Payment of fees: Trademark inquiry, design, agency, and registration require payment of fees according to national standards.