There are many good-sounding and meaningful brand names.
You can search the Visual 500 and look at their names to find out
< p> For example:Apple
General Motors
< p> TencentBaidu
Is there any good brand name 10fenqiushuiyiren
Looking for a good brand name10 Divide small raincoats. Sun awning, parachute. Security steward. , Love No. 1, I’ll think about it a lot when I have time
Nice underwear brand name Urban Beauty
Looking for a nice brand name for solo dance/solo dance
said Your fire is like a dancer. Solo means you are unique. Heehee
Nice names Shuhua, Xiaoqing, Yuhua, Qinglan, Yuehua, Xueer
A nice name for trademarks is of course very important. Finally, I still need to check to see if I am optimistic~~
Looking for a good food brand name? Good taste, so delicious, Bali Xiang.
Trademark application procedure:
1. Search the trademark first. If there is no identical or similar one before, you can prepare application documents and submit the application;
< p> 2. About one month after the application is submitted, the Trademark Office will issue an application acceptance notice (this period is called the formal review stage).3. After the formal review is completed, it will enter the substantive review stage, which will take about one to one and a half years.
4. If the substantive review is passed, it will enter the announcement process (this period is 3 months, also called the objection period);
5. After the announcement period expires, no one raises objections . You can get the registration certificate.
For more knowledge about professional trademark and intellectual property agencies or more services, please log in to shewentm or call 010-82685045
I want to do design and want a good-sounding and easy-to-remember brand name. Clover
Is there any good trademark name? I suggest you choose one that has meaning and is memorable (I don’t know what it is about, so I don’t know how to choose it)