Class 41 of trademark registration mainly covers services related to education, training, entertainment, sports and cultural activities. Specifically including but not limited to sports activities, cultural activities, educational information, training services, entertainment services, film production, rental of sports facilities, theater performances, concerts, library services, rental of electronic publications, etc.
Class 41 trademark classification is an international trademark classification based on the Nice Agreement, covering services such as education, training, entertainment, sports and cultural activities. This category includes services ranging from schooling and online training to film production and theater performances. In addition, it also includes cultural and entertainment activities such as sports events, fitness services, libraries, and museum services. This type of trademark is usually applicable to entities or individuals that provide related services such as educational institutions, cultural entertainment venues, and sports organizations.
The significance of trademark classification is as follows:
The purpose of trademark classification is to accurately define the scope of application and protection areas of trademarks. Education, training, entertainment and other services involved in Class 41 play an important role in modern society. The application of trademarks in such services helps consumers distinguish the identities of different service providers and ensure service quality and reputation. At the same time, for service providers, reasonable trademark registration can effectively protect their brands and intellectual property rights and avoid market confusion and unfair competition.
In summary, Class 41 of trademark registration mainly covers services such as education, training, entertainment, sports and cultural activities. It includes a variety of services ranging from schooling to film production. The purpose of this classification is to accurately define the scope of application and protection areas of trademarks. While ensuring consumer interests and service quality, it also provides service providers with brand and intellectual property protection.
Legal basis:
"Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 16
A trademark registration application shall In accordance with the prescribed commodity classification table or service classification table, specify the commodity category or service category for which registration is applied.