It is illegal to sell Putian shoes. Putian shoes are usually used to refer to high imitation shoes. After industry insiders in Putian discovered that they could make huge profits by producing fake shoes, they began to mass-produce fake shoes and sell lower-quality shoes under the guise of famous brands. Putian shoes have therefore become synonymous with fake shoes. Therefore, selling Putian shoes is illegal. According to the laws of our country, selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks knowingly constitutes the crime of selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks. If the sales amount is relatively large, it constitutes the crime of selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and If the sales amount is huge, the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.
It is a crime for Putian shoe stores to sell high-imitation shoes knowing that they are high imitations. Their behavior of buying Putian shoes will cause infringement of the exclusive trademark rights of other rights holders. For malicious infringement of trademark exclusive rights and the circumstances are serious, the amount of compensation may be determined to be not less than one time but not more than five times the amount determined according to the above method. The amount of compensation should include the reasonable expenses paid by the right owner to stop the infringement. In order to determine the amount of compensation, the people's court may order the infringer to provide the account books and materials related to the infringement if the right holder has tried his best to provide evidence and the account books and materials related to the infringement are mainly in the possession of the infringer; the infringer fails to provide Or if false account books or information are provided, the people's court may determine the amount of compensation with reference to the rights holder's claims and the evidence provided. If it is difficult to determine the actual losses suffered by the right holder due to the infringement, the benefits obtained by the infringer due to the infringement, and the registered trademark license fee, the people's court shall award a compensation of not more than five million yuan based on the circumstances of the infringement.
When hearing trademark dispute cases, the People's Court shall, at the request of the right holder, order the destruction of goods belonging to counterfeit registered trademarks, except in special circumstances; materials and tools mainly used to manufacture goods with counterfeit registered trademarks shall be ordered to be destroyed. Ordered to destroy without compensation; or in special circumstances, ordered to prohibit the aforementioned materials and tools from entering commercial channels without compensation. Goods with counterfeit registered trademarks shall not enter commercial channels after only removing the counterfeit registered trademarks.
Legal Basis
"Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 214 Whoever knowingly sells goods with counterfeit registered trademarks shall If the sales amount is relatively large, the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and may also be fined; if the sales amount is huge, the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years, and shall also be fined.