In our daily life, when we buy some goods, we often encounter fake and shoddy goods. After I bought it home, there were all kinds of quality problems. Because the quality of fake and shoddy goods cannot be guaranteed, you will have nowhere to complain. And these fake and shoddy products will also have a bad influence on those brands of businesses. I thought these brands were of poor quality, so I stopped buying them.
The customs seized 800 pairs of shoes infringing trademarks.
Are customs law enforcement officers of Nanning Post Office carrying out? Longteng action 202 1? During the operation, a total of 800 goods suspected of infringing brand trademark rights were seized. In order to strengthen the supervision of infringing goods, crack down on the infringement of import and export intellectual property rights and protect the intellectual property rights of enterprises. Has the customs of Nanning Post Office started? Longtengxing 202 1? Special action for intellectual property protection. We have cracked down on some channels where cross-border e-commerce and mail infringe intellectual property rights. For the goods in some areas, we will focus on the inspection as the key object, and adopt the latest technology to strengthen the inspection. After this operation, a case of suspected infringement of the exclusive right to use trademarks of several brands was seized. The shoes with trademark infringement seized this time are the goods infringing intellectual property rights seized in the 1 batch.
Why can't these shoes sell?
Because these shoes violate the intellectual property rights protected by People's Republic of China (PRC) laws and administrative regulations, they can't be sold, and they have to be confiscated. Manufacturers who infringe trademarks will also be fined less than 30% of the value of goods. If this enterprise constitutes a crime, it will still be investigated for criminal responsibility. The customs has intensified the punishment for infringing enterprises' credit, protected well-known trademarks to the maximum extent, and avoided the infringement activities of well-known trademarks by illegal enterprises. This action of the customs has greatly protected the interests of well-known brands. It has also played a deterrent role for some black-hearted enterprises that earn profits by famous brands.
Qi Xin and Qi Xin work together to resist counterfeiting.
As consumers, when we need to buy the goods we need, we must go to regular stores to buy regular products, and do not give fake and shoddy products any opportunity. All retail stores should also take good care when purchasing goods, have zero tolerance for fake and shoddy goods, refuse fake and shoddy goods to enter their own stores, and finally let some infringing fake and shoddy goods withdraw from the market under the supervision and inspection of relevant departments.