The American trademark registration fee is quoted at around 4000-5000. Due to the adjustment of exchange rate and official fees, please refer to the actual fees.
Examining whether a trademark can be registered according to law, whether it is the same as or similar to a previously registered trademark, and whether it violates the prohibition clause of the Trademark Law. For trademarks that fail the substantive examination, the examiner will notify the applicant in writing and inform the reasons for rejection. The applicant can submit the examination opinions within the time limit from the date of receiving the notice of rejection, otherwise the application will be regarded as abandoned, and the application date and application number will not be retained.
After the trademark has passed the examination, the applicant will be informed that the trademark has been applied and published in the trademark announcement. The whole application process is smooth (if there are no rejections, objections, etc.). ) It takes about 8- 10 months.
65,438+00 years from the date of registration. If it is necessary to continue to use the registration after the expiration of the registration period, it shall apply for extension of registration six months before the expiration of the registration period, and the validity period of each extension of registration is 65,438+00 years.
In the 5th and 6th years after the registration of a trademark, and in the 9th and 9th years 10, the trademark applicant must submit an affidavit signed by him to the US Patent and Trademark Office, swearing that the registered trademark has been used in all trademarks and/or services approved by the registration, or in some goods and/or services approved within 5 years after the registration of the trademark. Or show that there is no justifiable reason for using the registered trademark: if the legal sales of products are temporarily suspended due to government regulations, or the production of products is temporarily suspended due to disasters such as fires, rather than the registrant intentionally giving up the registered trademark, the registration may be maintained valid or partially valid.
Although we have always said that in the two modes of JD.COM platform, JD.COM has been "crushing" JD.COM POP ( flagship store, JD.COM store and JD.COM store) in terms of t